Please donate online or mail check or money order to:
Lenawee Community Chorus
110 S. Madison Street - Spencer Hall
Adrian, MI 49221
The Lenawee Community Chorus, recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, needs your support. You may deduct your contribution to us from your federal income tax. We rely on the support of many individuals and businesses to cover our operating expenses.
Please consider making a contribution as a gift or a memorial for a friend or loved one. You can make your donation in any amount. Your generosity will be acknowledged in the concert program. Your gift will help us to keep on singing for you. |
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Your support keeps the chorus singing.
Season Sponsor
Concert Sponsor
Brazeway LLC
Patti Belote
Luana Bixler
Mike & Michelle Buku
Bill DeMots
Bill & Patti Gira
Norman & Sally Glasser
David Guldin
Doug & Mary Kapnick
Marilyn Kellum
Ross Koning
Sandy & Dave Lahnala
Terry Marr
Christine MacNaughton
Meredith K. Means
Janice Murley
Peter Paullin
Judith Plotner
Sue Summerford
Aaron Swiggum
Sally Watson
Jan Wilson-Cline
Patti Belote
Luana Bixler
Mike & Michelle Buku
Bill DeMots
Bill & Patti Gira
Norman & Sally Glasser
David Guldin
Doug & Mary Kapnick
Marilyn Kellum
Ross Koning
Sandy & Dave Lahnala
Terry Marr
Christine MacNaughton
Meredith K. Means
Janice Murley
Peter Paullin
Judith Plotner
Sue Summerford
Aaron Swiggum
Sally Watson
Jan Wilson-Cline
The Lenawee Community Chorus acknowledges the following individuals and
companies who generously support us by advertising in our programs.
Please patronize them and tell them where you saw their ad!
companies who generously support us by advertising in our programs.
Please patronize them and tell them where you saw their ad!
Adrian Center for the Arts
Adrian First United Methodist Church
Adrian Garden Club
Adrian Symphony Orchestra
Alexander and Annette Beach
Bell Ford
Country Market
County National Bank
Danley's Country House Restaurant
Downtown Printing - Tecumseh Herald
Dragonfly and Birch
Ebeling Family Dentistry
Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee
The Heat Wave
Horizon Travel and Cruises
Hospice of Lenawee
Josephine Weeden DDS Orthodontics
Kapnick Insurance Group
Kelly Veterinary Clinic
Knights in Shining Aprons
LLC Bass Section
John and Marcia Frye
Marcia Lengnick
Maumee Street: Taproom and Kitchen
Musgrove + Company
Pretty Paws
Rima Manufacturing Company
Rustic Bliss Wedding Barn
Sieler's Water Systems - Downtown Dempsey's
TLC Community Credit Union
Trendz Salon
The Wagley Group
Wayside Veterinary Clinic
Adrian First United Methodist Church
Adrian Garden Club
Adrian Symphony Orchestra
Alexander and Annette Beach
Bell Ford
Country Market
County National Bank
Danley's Country House Restaurant
Downtown Printing - Tecumseh Herald
Dragonfly and Birch
Ebeling Family Dentistry
Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee
The Heat Wave
Horizon Travel and Cruises
Hospice of Lenawee
Josephine Weeden DDS Orthodontics
Kapnick Insurance Group
Kelly Veterinary Clinic
Knights in Shining Aprons
LLC Bass Section
John and Marcia Frye
Marcia Lengnick
Maumee Street: Taproom and Kitchen
Musgrove + Company
Pretty Paws
Rima Manufacturing Company
Rustic Bliss Wedding Barn
Sieler's Water Systems - Downtown Dempsey's
TLC Community Credit Union
Trendz Salon
The Wagley Group
Wayside Veterinary Clinic